Saturday, February 5, 2011

Only a few weeks into this and I'm already behind...

The first shoot I didn't have time to post was a fun little one I did with some of the girls I live with. You just don't waste a snowstorm like that!

The second shoot I didn't post was a couple shoot with a friend of mine and her boyfriend. They were adorable and it was such a lovely day!

MANY new shoots to come, seeing as my D300 is currently sitting in the post office (unable to be picked up until Monday... the anticipation is KILLING me!!!)

Love you all =]

Saturday, January 22, 2011

First blog post, how exciting!

I figured I should start a photo blog to go along with my website (under construction) and my Facebook fan page. Lots of new and exciting things are happening with my photography right now, and what better way to document it than this?

But enough talk. Here are some shots from my latest photo session, during which my lovely models braved the cold and wind (one in a sleeveless dress!) in order to get some great photos. Such troopers they were!

Catie Lea was easily the most fun model I've ever worked with. She just doesn't stop smiling!

Look at that dress! I would NOT be able to smile like that if I was dressed like that in that weather. Nicole, you're the best.